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All the restaking opportunities,
in the same place
Byzantine is the heart of the restaking ecosystem.
Key benefits for Stakers
Less complexity
Interacting with Byzantine is the only thing you will ever need to access all the restaking opportunities in the market.
More yield
Add restaking yields from the opportunities you prefer, on top of the usual staking yield.
100% non-custodial
Deposit and withdraw permissionlessly from Byzantine's vaults, while keeping full control on vault parameters.
Create your ideal restaking strategy easely
Choose any collateral asset, any chain, any protocol, any network.
Security and compliance as priorities
Fully customizable vaults: Choose protocols, set privacy (Public or Private), and decide if they’re Immutable or Editable to fit your needs.
Join the community
How Byzantine works
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Create your strategy
Select any mix of networks, restaking protocols, operators, and collateral assets. Benefit from integrated risk data to make the best decisions.
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Set your vault parameters
Deploy your strategy as a vault. Set permissions and whitelist wallets that you trust, or share your strategy with the public while keeping full control over your vault.
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Earn in the Byzantine ecosystem
Leverage vaultshares in DeFi or build custom applications on Byzantine's highly composable vaults. Rely on heavily audited, immutable core components.
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Product Manager at {Client Name}.
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Founder at {Client Name}.
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Monsieur Lorem
Founder at {Client Name}.
Restake with Byzantine
Create or join your custom restaking
strategy and leverage it in DeFi.
Got questions?
We’ve got answers
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Donec posuere orci convallis.
What is Byzantine?

Byzantine is an open, decentralised platform allowing anyone to restake how they like and earn yield. Curators, institutions, and developers are able to create custom restaking strategies, deploy them as vaults, and integrate them into existing services or build new ones on Byzantine’s flexible architecture.

How does Byzantine work?

While each restaking protocol works differently, generally, Byzantine’s technical advantage is standardising the interaction with all restaking protocols into the Byzantine vault. Users interact with and deploy and these vaults as they would with any smart contract.

When depositing into an active vault, users mint vaultshares corresponding to the value of their deposited assets and start earning rewards. To withdraw their stake and rewards, they burn their vaultshares partially or completely and thereby initiate the withdrawal processes of the networks they restaked into.

Why Byzantine?

Byzantine is the easiest access to your own restaking strategy. Select any restaking protocols, networks, operators, and collateral assets and deploy your strategy instantly.

Byzantine vaults integrate into DeFi easily. Trade and leverage your vaultshares or build your own custom service, product, or even asset on Byzantine’s flexible architecture.

Depositors can withdraw anytime. Thanks to vaultshares owned by depositors, depositors keep complete control over their assets. Vault owners can change the startegy but can never withdraw their users’ assets, adding an additional layer of security.

Zero-governance, maximum security. Every part of the Byzantine protocol is audited multiple times before launch. No one person has access or decision power to define what to do with users’ assets. All deployed vaults can be upgraded only by the vault owner, meaning nobody but you is ever able to change how your vaults function.

Full fund segregation. Your vault’s liquidity never co-mingles with other vaults and doesn’t co-earn rewards. Your vault, your kingdom.

What do I earn from restaking with Byzantine?

Restaking lets restakers invest assets in the security of the native chain and additional decentralised networks. Yield comes from base staking rewards plus additional network rewards. Moreover, to reward early protocol users, Byzantine distributes points in return for TVL based on specific conditions. Point holders will be well rewarded.

Does Byzantine have risks?

No protocol can be considered entirely risk free, but Byzantine is committed to use industry-leading security practices.

The Byzantine protocol code will be audited multiple times and made publicly available ahead of the protocol’s launch. Deployed vaults are not upgradeable by protocol governance; only by their owner. Additionally, there will be an ongoing bug bounty campaign and service providers specializing in technical reviews and risk mitigation.

Does Byzantine control my assets?

Byzantine is non-custodial and holders always maintain full control over their assets.